This little book also addresses this vexing question:
Why Does an Oath of Office Mean Nothing?
Why is it simply routine, and taken for granted as business as usual, that those taking positions in government, and especially the judiciary, take an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, while having the express purpose and intention of undermining that Constitution? Accomplishing by fiat, with no consequences, what they are unable to do by Constitutional processes. In a five-to-four decision by our Supreme Court, essentially a single Justice hands down a decree with the dictatorial authority of an absolute monarch.
This result comes about not by some oversight on the part of our founders in the debate on what would become our Constitution. It was specifically addressed in detail in the debate leading up to what would become that seminal document. There is absolutely no Constitutional justification for the exercise of the principle of “judicial review” by the Supreme Court, or any other court, but our Constitution deals specifically with the Supreme Court only. This grave matter is addressed at some length in the little book that informs this little blog.